In water treatment, coagulation is the result of the addition of chemical reagents to water suspensions where the dispersed colloidal particles are assembled in larger aggregates called flocs or microflocs. Coagulationflocculation process for produced water. Written by aos treatment solutions on april 3, 2018. In drinking water, it is used for the clarification of water, using coagulant agents mainly for municipal water treatment. Coagulation and flocculation in water and wastewater. Coagulation and flocculation for wastewater treatment represent tested ways to improve efficiency and remove a high volume of particles. In drinking water, it is used for the clarification of water, using coagulant agents mainly for. The aim of this research is to study the efficiency of wastewater treatment using fenton process combine with coagulation and determine the optimum ph, dosages and contact time of feso4, h2o2 and fenugreek for the treatment.
Within the past decade, electrochemical coagulation process has emerged as most effective wastewater treatment process as compared to conventional. Pdf treatment of automobile service station wastewater by. Tertiary treatment this discussion is an introduction to advanced treatment methods and processes. Chemical treatment typically is applied prior to sedimentation and filtration to enhance the ability of a treatment process to remove particles. Coagulation process will initiated by neutralizing the charges of the particles by released ions. Coagulants are the chemicals that are used to removes tiny particles in water. Index terms oily wastewater, automobile service station, treatment, coagulation, activated sludge process. Electrocoagulationelectroflotation ecf technology is a treatment process of applying electrical current to treat and flocculate contaminants without having to add coagulations. The results of the effects of operating parameters on pilot scale electrocoagulation process are shown in table 3 and figures 2,3, 3,4, 4, and and5 5. Treatment of paint manufacturing wastewater by the combination. It is a vital part for drinking water and wastewater treatment.
Many water treatment plants use a combination of coagulation, sedimentation. We used different types of coagulants in coagulation water treatment process. Material for this article was largely taken from reference 1. Coagulation or flocculation process was conducted for the treatment of industrial wastewater to achieve maximum removal of cod, tp and tss. During the last few years, environmental sector has shown a largely growing interest in the treatment of different types of wastewater by electrocoagulation ec. Coagulation flocculation process in the removal of trace metals present in industrial wastewater. The precipitation of colloids and ions are held in the solution by electrical charges. It is a convenient reference handbook providing numerous examples and appended information and it is a vital text for course material for undergraduate and postgraduate students. For the first half of the 20th century, pollution in the nations urban waterways resulted in frequent occurrences of low. Abstract attempts were made in this study to examine the effectiveness of polymer addition to coagulation process during treatment of a beverage industrial wastewater to remove some of its trace metals content such as lead.
Experiments were carried out using jar test, which is usually employed to evaluate the treatment process efficiency. Groundwater and surface water contain both dissolved and suspended particles. Electrocoagulation drinking water genesis water technologies. The released ions remove undesirable contaminants either by chemical reaction and.
Its a preference in the primary purification its a preference in the primary purification processes due to its simplicity operation, efficient and cheap. Dec 10, 2017 key difference coagulation vs flocculation in water treatment water treatment is an important aspect which involves many different steps. In industrial waste treatment, preliminary or primary treatment may include flow equalization. Advanced treatment of laundry wastewater with coagulation and. Since water treatment is a very sensitive and important process it requires the presence of. In order to produce an effluent suitable for stream discharge, chemical coagulation and electrocoagulation techniques have been particularly explored at the laboratory pilot scale for organic compounds removal from slaughterhouse effluent. The effects of the main experimental conditions effluents ph, cactus dose on the coagulation treatment performance were studied. By conducting the jar test in treating this water based printing ink, we will. Coagulation and flocculation process fundamentals 1. Apr 03, 2018 what is coagulation and flocculation in water and wastewater treatment. Coagulation and flocculation in water and wastewater treatment provides a comprehensive account of coagulation and flocculation techniques and technologies in a single volume covering theoretical principles to practical applications. Coagulation and flocculation in water and wastewater treatment. Suspended particles vary in source, charge, particle size, shape, and density.
Generally, we can categories the common type of coagulant into two groups, aluminium base and iron base. Barreradiazpatricia balderashernandezbryan bilyeu, in electrochemical water and wastewater treatment, 2018. Electrocoagulation technology has also been proposed for the treatment. Therefore, special attention is needed on the treatment and disposal of laundry wastewater. Pdf treatment of automobile service station wastewater. Coagulation flocculation process in the removal of trace. Textile wastewater treatment by electrocoagulation process. Coagulation flocculation is one of the most important physicochemical treatment steps in industrial wastewater treatment to reduce the suspended and colloidal materials. Home artilces electrocoagulationnew technology for the wastewater treatment. Pdf all waters, especially surface waters, contain both dissolved and suspended particles. The control of environmental pollution and also the treatment of polluted water are of great concern. Coagulation and flocculation are used to separate the suspended solids portion from the water. Coagulationflocculation process for produced water treatment.
Coagulationflocculation process in the treatment of. The wastewater samples were collected from different servicing points of a typical automobile garage and then. Coagulation is an intermediary step, but it is essential to the physicochemical treatment process of water and wastewater. Coagulation and flocculation are an essential part of drinking water treatment as well as wastewater treatment. The coagulation is the most important process during the water treatment, which includes the removal of species in suspension by means of the addition of chemical coagulants, in. Advanced treatment of laundry wastewater with coagulation. The coagulation is the most important process during the water treatment, which includes the removal of species in suspension by means of the addition of chemical coagulants, in which using brings. One of such areas is automobile service station and carwashing. Coagulation, flocculation and clarification of drinking water.
There are many wastewater treatment processes in operation around the world. Gwt specialized electrocoagulation water treatment systems have several advantages versus conventional chemical coagulation for drinking water applications. One of the challenges for any water or municipal wastewater treatment plant is being able to remove the vast majority of waste particles from the water, quickly and efficiently. Coagulation and flocculation in water and wastewater treatment bratby, john on. The most commonly used is the physicochemical process that employs. This study involves expansion of coagulation objectives from turbidity removal to include cod, tss and tp removal from abattoir waste waters. This article provides an overview of the processes and looks at the latest thinking. Electrocoagulation in the treatment of industrial waters and. Jun 29, 2012 the effects of applied voltage and reaction time on electrocoagulation process of slaughterhouse wastewater treatment were determined. Treatment processes screening aeration prechlorination sedimentation flocculation coagulation coagulation and flocculation coagulation and flocculationconsist of adding a flocforming chemical reagent to a water to enmesh or combine with nonsettleable colloidal solids and slowsettling suspended solids to produce a rapidsettling floc. Chemical coagulation is an essential part of drinking water and wastewater treatment. One of the treatment options seemed viable for the pollution abatement of pesticide wastewater is physicochemical treatment. Coagulation and flocculation water treatment process. Treatment of food processing industry wastewater by a coagulation flocculation process vanerkar a.
Addition of positively charged particles in the coagulation process is aimed to destabilizing the colloids. What is coagulation and flocculation in wastewater treatment. Coagulation and flocculation in water and wastewater treatment is a readable and useful resource for the water scientist and engineer. As a result, they stay dispersed and dissolved or coagulation process colloidal in the water. Many water treatment plants use a combination of coagulation, sedimentation, filtration and disinfection to provide clean, safe drinking water to the public. In domestic wastewater treatment, preliminary and primary processes will remove approximately 25 percent of the organic load and virtually all of the nonorganic solids. The process of consolidation of colloidal particles by neutralizing the charges with a coagulant, so that they can remove from the treated water by sedimentation or filtration is called coagulation. Mar 04, 2017 it is a vital part for drinking water and wastewater treatment. Coagulationflocculation process in the treatment of abattoir. Therefore, amudaa and amoob 4 investigated the effect of coagulant dose, polyelectrolyte dose, ph of solution and addition of polyelectrolyte as coagulant aid and found to be. Aim of this study was to test the efficiency of chemical coagulation and flocculation process in laundry wastewater in order to render the waste suitable for its. Coagulation clumps contaminants together so they are more easily removed.
This study involves expansion of coagulation objectives from turbidity removal to include cod, tss and tp removal from abattoir waste. Generally, water treatment facilities have the coagulation process set up so that the. Evaluation and optimization of the coagulationrapid mixing step of the water treatment process includes a variety of aspects. Pdf coagulationflocculation processes in waterwastewater. Flocculating agents in wastewater treatment are used to remove contaminants. The aim of this paper is to provide an overall description of coagulationflocculation process and its applications in water and wastewater treatment. Slaughterhouse wastewater treatment by combined chemical. Treatment of vegetable oil refinery wastewater by coagulation. Textile wastewater treatment by electrocoagulation process using aluminum electrodes e. Coagulation is a chemical process that involves neutralization of charge whereas flocculation is a physical process and does not involve neutralization of charge. The water produced by the oil and gas industry is majorly wastewater stream that consists of dissolved and dispersed oil with high salinity levels. This thesis aimed to enhance the functions of coagulation and flocculation in the wastewater treatment process, which can lead to the optimal dosing of chemical reagent and the lower chemical residual in the posttreated wastewater. Key difference coagulation vs flocculation in water treatment water treatment is an important aspect which involves many different steps. The tannery wastewater with sulphide as main sources of pollutant, electrocoagulation is the best removal efficiency process among the other oxidation processes, whereas for chromium, photo catalytic oxidation process using nanotio 2.
The coagulation flocculation process can be used as a preliminary or intermediary step between other water or wastewater treatment processes like filtration and sedimentation. The aim of this paper is to provide an overall description of coagulation flocculation process and its applications in water and wastewater treatment. Removal of surfactant from industrial wastewaters by. Treatment of automobile service station wastewater by. So treatment involving coagulation and flocculation is typical of surface water. Chemical coagulation an overview sciencedirect topics. Treatment of food processing industry wastewater by a.
It has recently attracted attention as a potential technique for treating industrial effluent due to its versatility, treatment efficiency, low cost, and environmental compatibility. Standard waste water treatment processes have little effect on the. Thoroughly revised and updated this new edition has been progressively modified and increased in scope to cater for the requirements of. Coagulationflocculation processes in waterwastewater treatment. Coagulation is the most essential process in the treatment of both turbid surface and industrial wastewaters. The coagulation flocculation process has been found to be cost effective, easy to operate and is an energysaving treatment alternative 10. Electrocoagulation in the treatment of industrial waters. Worldwide, a combination of coagulation, sedimentation and filtration is the most widely applied water treatment technology, and has been used since the early 20th century. The objectives of this study are the examination of coagulation precipitation process efficiency for the treatment of industrial wastewaters with high surfactants content, especially in terms of organic matter and surfactants. The chemical precipitate to grow large enough electrochemical system used in this study for removal.
Evaluation and optimization of the coagulation rapid mixing step of the water treatment process includes a variety of aspects. Coagulation and flocculation process fundamentals 1 coagulation and flocculation. Pdf waste water treatment by coagulation and flocculation. Since water treatment is a very sensitive and important process it requires the presence of both physical and chemical processes. Treatment of vegetable oil refinery wastewater by coagulationflocculation. Coagulation and rapid mixing coagulation is the process by which particles become destabilized and begin to clump together. An experimental study on treatment of waste water by. The major active ingredients of laundry wastewater are the surfactants. They carried out wastewater treatment with conventional method with. Jan 10, 2017 many water treatment plants use a combination of coagulation, sedimentation, filtration and disinfection to provide clean, safe drinking water to the public.
The present study is aimed to explore the pollution potential of automobile service station wastewater and to treat the same. Primer for municipal wastewater treatment systems the need for wastewater treatment wastewater treatment is needed so that we can use our rivers and streams for fishing, swimming and drinking water. The sequence of treatment processes through which wastewater passes is usually characterized as. Electrocoagulationnew technology for the wastewater treatment. Coagulation is an essential component in water treatment operations. Coagulation chemical treatment typically is applied prior to sedimentation and filtration to enhance the ability of a treatment process to remove particles. Chemical coagulation is commonly used in raw water and wastewater treatment plants for the destabilisation of pollutants so that they can be removed in the subsequent separation processes.
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